Glenwood Foreign Car

333 Woolston Drive Yardley, PA 19067

Mon thru Fri 8:00am - 5pm


When Should I Bring My Tires In To Get Checked?

If you’ve ever wondered when it’s a good idea to bring your tires in for a check, you’re not alone. Your tires play a crucial role in keeping you safe on the road, and giving them a little attention can go a long way. Let’s dive into when it’s time to roll over to the experts and have your tires checked out!

1. Tread Trepidation:

One of the first signs that your tires might need a little TLC is the tread. Tread is the pattern on your tires that grips the road. Over time, especially if you drive a lot, these patterns can wear down. A quick way to check this is the penny test. Stick a penny into the tread, and if you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it might be time to think about new tires.

2. Uneven Wear Woes:

If your tires are wearing down unevenly, it could be a sign that something’s not quite right. Take a look at each tire and see if the wear is consistent. If not, it’s time to bring them in. Uneven wear might mean your tires need rotating or there could be an issue with your vehicle’s alignment.

3. Inflation Investigation:

Keeping your tires properly inflated is like giving them a big hug. Check your car manual or the sticker inside the driver’s door for the recommended tire pressure. If your tires look a bit saggy, it’s time to pump them up. Underinflated tires can affect your fuel efficiency and even lead to more wear and tear.

4. Weather Warnings:

Different weather conditions can impact your tires. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, like very hot summers or icy winters, your tires might need extra attention. Extreme heat can cause them to wear faster, while cold temperatures can lead to a loss of tire pressure.

5. Vibrations and Shakes:

If you notice your steering wheel vibrating or your car shaking, it could be a sign that something’s off with your tires. This could range from an alignment issue to problems with the tire itself. Either way, it’s best to have a professional take a look.

Being aware of your tires and their condition is a smart move for any driver. Regular checks can prevent bigger problems down the road and keep you cruising safely. So, if you spot any of these signs or just want some peace of mind, don’t hesitate to bring your wheels in for a check to Glenwood Foreign Car. Your tires will thank you, and you’ll be ready to hit the road with confidence! 

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At Glenwood Foreign Car, we proudly serve luxury vehicle owners in Upper Makefield TownshipYardleyNewtown, and Morrisville, PA. Book a reservation with us now for any European car repair or maintenance!